Church Is For Perfecting The Unholy & Sinners

And their Scribes and the Pharisees complained against His disciples, saying, "Why do You eat and drink with tax collectors and sinners?" Jesus answered and said to them, Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. I have not come to call the righteous but sinners to repentance." (KJV 5.30 -31) If the scripture above was a quotation from the words of Jesus Christ the Son of God who is the head of the Church then anyone who leads the Church today must abide by what was said. Jesus was responding to the Scribes and Pharisees who had outlined a lot of human principles and had established doctrines that inhibited people from coming to God in repentance. The hospital is not a place for well people and doctors and nurses do not need those people because they were or are trained to attend to the ailing so that they recuperate and intergrate back into the society. This was Jesus' graphic depiction of his Church : a centre of rehabilitation for sinners and the unholy by Pastors acting as Doctors bearing in mind that a Doctor can also be sick and is legally allowed to be placed on medication, with leaders plus the righteous congregation as nurses or various staff as attendendants to the sinners. Jesus highlighted that his goal was to call sinners and the unholy to repentance by preaching to them the good news. It should be noted that Jesus was a Sin collector in other words he freed sinners by taking what was on them and putting it on himself that's why God rejected him he cried out on the cross why his Father had rejected him, it was because God has no relationship with sin, that's why he had to build the Church through Jesus as a rehab center. Jesus vehemently criticized the Pharisees and the doctors of the Law for being hypocrites as they offered a filthy rags type of righteousness before God. It was the kind of righteousness that God rejected and rather wanted the righteousness that was imputed on the World to those that believed on his Son. "Good teacher, what ... Why do you call me good, no one is good but One, that is God..."(KJV Mark 10 verse 17 to 19). This is taken from a passage were Jesus was responding to a self righteous Pharisee who asked him what he should do to inherit eternal life. His answer exhibits that he was not fooled by his hypocrisy as is done by many in the present day Church who are self righteous and see themselves as Pastors or Prophets' close associates. Jesus rejects being called "Good" for the reason that he didn't want to be seen as any he was taking the sins of the World on him, the enterity of wickedness was being placed on him so he said do not call me Good because I am a scapegoat. Jesus clothed himself with humility the same way we as his children should mimick not to condemn or disqualify anybody especially when they come to the Church (the Hospital). Doctors and nurses welcome patients no matter the kind of disease or sickness in the same manner the Church should welcome sinners and drunkards who come to repent. To be continued...
