Looking At The US 2024 Elections From An African Perspective


    US. President Joe Biden

If it were in Africa a sitting president who announces his willingness to stand for re-election at an advanced age would be labelled as a strongman who wouldn't want to let go or pass on the baton to youngsters who would come up with new ideas. However, the United States of America may have an elderly leader for the first time after the current octagenarian leader, Joe Biden launched his 2024 presidential candidacy this Tuesday much to the heavy criticism from his Democrat rival and predecessor, Donald Trump. Biden and his wife Dr Jill Biden who are currently under a pension fund which is measured from the age of 67 in America started his campaign trail with the phrase "let's finish what we started". The USA Legislature only permits Presidents to have two terms and does not deter those advanced in age from participating making Biden's aspirations legit.

US President Joe Biden has former President Barak Obama's backing 

However, Africa has suffered a lot of criticism from allowing presidential candidates advanced in age to contest in elections despite, their reasons being protecting historical colonial background imbalances and posing their own agenda patterns as Liberators of their people. Corruption and violation of the rule of law has always been the snare that the West uses against African leaders denying the fact that Africa has its own agenda settings that defines them as a people. One such example is the current Zimbabwean president, Emmerson Mnangagwa who filed his candidacy in the upcoming elections in August. He seeks a second term at the same age as Biden but is under sanctions for alleged human rights abuses and failing to meet the statutes of the West. President Biden has been warned of a possible arnachy if he wins the elections by the Democrats rival, former president, Trump who also wants a second bite of the cherry. Nonetheless, the Biden administration has used it's several international missions like the war in Ukraine as the reason for a bid for a second term.
