A Ravel of Economic Zones in SA & Zim

Time continue to excelerate especially this winter season as loadshedding acts as it's catalyst with citizens in South Africa and it's neighbour to the north, Zimbabwe are quickly forced to resign to bed. Although, the business community has strategised measures like even working during wee hours still the exhaustion goes back to individuals who are in action. Cape Town still experience unique cool wet winters with drizzle/precipitation highly expected to be experienced this week. The construction industry is affected the most as workers dilly - dally with the rains that characterise the winter season. However, in some parts of South Africa like Johannesburg it's only cool dry winters with temperatures dropping drastically. More so, politically the economy is slowly calming down as the wave of controversies that shook the market die down. In Zimbabwe, the set election dates for August have riled the economy into the abyss as a lot of legislature has been enacted and has sailed through. Companies have been authorised to dismiss employees instantly waving away the three months notice with benefits whilst preparing packages to disciplined employees. There is now no partiality between the disciplined and non - disciplined as workers' fate fall into vulnerability of their superiors. It is therefore an economic time bomb as taxes that come from the working class risks being wiped away as employees will be driven into the informal market that plays cat and mouse with the authorities. Nevertheless, receding to down the Limpopo, Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) leader Julius Malema's sentiments on the United States granted SA's ruling party with the favourable diplomacy on international relations that it has. Petrol price has significantly dwindled a measure that will also put a vice grip on shelf prices that alternate with fuel price caps. The Gaze Magazine will continue to update audiences and it's readership with news that is accurate and edutaining, so long!

Hannock Ngaru,
Managing Editor


  1. Wonderful stories brother

    1. Yes keep it up hit more interesting ones


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