Biti Useless In Parliament


A fact that triple C (Citizens Coalition for Change) leader, Mr Nelson Chamisa correlated was that his deputy,  Tendai  Biti was irrelevant in Parliament of Zimbabwe as it ceased to be a viral platform that could not be juxtaposed to the South African Parliament which can effect changes due to its practicability. The powers that be have the majority in Parliament and could probably direct the country were they see fit an attribution that can be alluded to the African socialist platform which former President Robert Mugabe was an astute student of. In socialism a leader(s) direct the people and not the other way round. If we recede back in time you would not tell Changamire Dombo of The Rozvi people (Zimbabwe's ancestoral leaders) what to do but he would tell his people the direction to take. In other words Biti's perspective is therefore not needed especially with the mindset of the African historical leadership that the powers that be have aligned the political system of the country on. Zimbabwe is in line to be a member of BRICS and has largely aligned itself to countries like Russia, China and Belarus who largely believe in the communist kind of leadership therefore when you are on the opposing side of politics that is aligned to the capitalist democracy you change your strategy as the Triple C has done even though it might be very difficulty to get results. Chamisa's predecessor's tactics of protests are irrelevant and outdated hence his silent campaign of church singing and therefore supposedly pulling out vocal people  like Biti from the august house. Biti's loss to Markham in his constituency, Harare East that he dominated for two decades was an ample testimony for the need of change of strategy and it became tactical as a subjection to the will of the people.
