Religion: The Relevance Of Jesus Today

With Hannock Ngaru 

If anyone would want to talk about God today they have to include the historical Jesus and presence of the Holy Spirit who is in the World  today. The scripture is also an intergral reference that vividly articulates the reality of the Godhead and guides humanity to learn more about Him. Jesus as a person would enter the Synagogue, where doctors of the Law who studied about him but ignorantly missed his position during their time: open the book of the Law and would say this Word/Law has been fulfilled in your hearing referring to himself which would push the blinded learned men to try and stone him to death without much success though. "Today this Scripture is fulfilled in your hearing.” 22 So all bore witness to Him, and marveled at the gracious words which proceeded out of His mouth. And they said, “Is this not Joseph’s son?” (Luke 4.21, NKJV). This scripture is an epitome of the legendary Jesus who was part of the incarnated God who lived as a Jew but introduced the real qualities of God in the World. The Jews didn't agree with him because he was not in conformity with their doctrine which Jesus condemned and warned them against as he argued that they put Laws to the people which they were unable to preserve themselves. Inspite of, these clear exhibition of the Scribes that Jesus displayed, this contemporary Church age generation misses the mark when it comes to worshipping God. They push every one else out when they fight for leadership positions and wear expensive clothing and drive drunkards, prostitutes and sinners out of the Church in the pretext of Holiness and yet these are the lost that Jesus came to seek so that they turn away from their wicked ways and accept his Lordship.  This is highlighted in the three parables of the Lost in Matthew 15. Jesus conveys that his interest is to save and has no need of those that are saved already because they belong to him as is supposed to. The parables of the Lost narrates the position of those who are with him not to worry but graphically displays concern on those that have turned away. During the time of Jesus they called him a glutton and a drunkard because he associated with such not because he wanted pleasure but endeared his doctrine of salvation. Today's men of God are concerned about personal wealth and power. Some of them no longer preach with the Word of God (bible) in their hands and or mouths but they turn out doctrines that entice followers on social media displaying rampant ignorance on the book of Revelations that talked about the beasts. It should be noted that the internet is another beast prophesied in the book of Revelations. Do not be deceived that the beasts would be real creatures but would be artifacts like the internet and or other scientific technological gadgets designed in Satanic closets.
