Religion: Forgiveness & Love

I welcome you to yet another edition on the column of Religion which is quite wide and big however, I am still focusing on an encompassing topical godly slant that most people hide in.  This topic is the essence of the Godhead which drove God to give his only begotten Son so that he would reconcile Himself with the World that would believe in him (Son). Anyone who attaches himself to godliness is obligated to be encapsulated in Love and has to Forgive. Love and Forgiveness are an oxygen tank to the gods (those who believe in the Son of God, Psalms 82). This is what most people fail to understand and to grasp. According to the bible, " If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother he is a liar : for he that loveth not his brother he hath seen, how  can he love God who he hath not seen?" 1 John 4.20  (KJV). The Devil has taken it upon himself to snare and blind many individuals by burning them with hate and keeping a record of wrongs thereby inflicting them with diseases and sickness because anyone who doesn't forgive and has no love is his automatic child, this is how he keeps certain people in his operandi. The bible says a certain believer asked Jesus how many would be saved, his answer was quite concerning as according to my observation Jesus seemed touched and pained as he answered let us quickly synthesise his reply, “Strive to enter by the narrow door; for many, I tell you, will seek to enter and will not be able." (Luke 13.24 RSV) If one continues to read it can be noted that Jesus highlighted that people have been given a specific time to correct themselves before the householder (The Judge/Son of God) rises to close the heavenly door. It can be deduced that God has a lot of patience to allow his kids to learn to love and to forgive as he did even on the high heavenly treason of the murder of his innocent scapegoat Son, which sin can surpass this one yet a human being can hold a small grudge of being shamed in front of others for years. In one of his teachings Jesus showed the importance of forgiveness when he first forgave the paralytic man his sins before healing him much to the perplexity of the doctors of the Law who were perturbed by such actions Mtt 9.2 (RSV). On this occasion Jesus shows us that he did not just go about healing people but to demonstrate the power of forgiveness and love. Sickness has a root which is hatred and unforgivess therefore it is very important to unshackle oneself by implementing Love and Forgiveness for it is a straight condition to enter heaven. It is very sad to note that those people in Jesus day who were schooled in religiousity failed to grasp that the Son of God was incarnated in flesh to exhibit the loving and forgiving traits of God.
