

Greetings from, The Gaze team, hope all readers and followers are well. Winter has approached Southern Africa and hope everyone is well prepared for it. However, loadshedding both in South Africa and Zimbabwe has not spared the citizens but ESKOM ( Electricity Supply Commission), municipalities and ZETDC (Zimbabwe Electricity Distribution Company) have given their excuses for loadshedding which has precariously affected business and private endeavours. While ZETDC in Zimbabwe has blamed the water levels in Kariba which has a larger Kilowatts distribution generation and also aging expensive machinery, Eskom and municipalities in South Africa have highly pointed to corruption and misappropriation of funds. In South Africa loadshedding has moved to stage 8 whereby electrity can go for 4 hours, 2 hours probably three to four times a day thereby affecting businesses and enterprenuers.It is businesses like bakery that are affected the most as it fails to adquate normal supplies daily. Although, in SA they warn of power cuts in Zim they don't, it is now a lifestyle as power is just cut abruptly. Despite, the electricity issue challenges, The Gaze has managed to report objectively and has centered on Sports specifically but in the long run all sectors will be explored in order to feed followers and readers with information from across the globe. The Gaze highly encourages it's audiences to give feedback through commenting for the betterment of societies and communities for thats the purpose behind information dissemination. Wish everyone the best.

Yours truly, 

Hannock Ngaru,

Managing Editor 
