Mai Titi Gone Too Far With Nudes

Zimbabwean socialite, hilarious comedian Mai Titi (real name Felistas Murata) has gone too far by washing her dirty linen in public and claiming that she is being subotaged by an imaginary ex - husband who is in the United States. Zimbabweans just woke up yesterday to pornographic pictures of Mai Titi flooded on the internet. But the pics did not expose the nitty gritties. The pics however, generated different comic comments from followers who took turns to argue among themselves. The Gaze can exclusively deduce that the pornographic splashing of not so apetising nude pics on social media are a facade of phony doctoring that has racked in non existing enemies and have been put to garner hits on the social media platform. The pics show a pale Mai Titi covering her privates and exposes her unpleasant back side and a partial part of her saggy breasts. Mai Titi is known for controversy and her appetite for brewing comedic impossible imaginary stuff for the purposes of remaining relevant to the global social networks. She alleges that a former partner is  being riled by her to the extent of splashing her figureless nudes on social media which she claims she send on the phone. She argues that she has prepared  litigations against the perceived perpetrators who are behind the cyber crime. It is actually a criminal offence to splash anyone's nude pictures on social media. However, on Mai Titi's case she is the supposed instigator who is desperate to increase her hits as she advised social predators to hit the 4000 mark for her to give them details about the story but alas she was dilly dalling with them.
