Illegal Settlers A Harm To Society In South Africa

              An illegal settlement in the graveyard 

An approximately, nineteen years old Zeinah (not real name) sits outside a small Supermarket in Kensington, Cape Town, South Africa to beg for around R5 or R2 to whoever, turns their ear to her lousy allegory of hunger and need, to buy something to fill her stomach. "Please, man can I get R5 for food, I have spend days without eating, ..." she asks for money this way. She is normally clad in torn old clothes and shoes to try and get people feel sorry for her and normally she succeeds on those who don't know her. However, a few hours after her purse is filled she buys beer and sits with two or three friends who probably would have begged on the other side of the location. This clearly shows that they are a syndicate and it's their specialisation. They drink near a service station until they empty their purses. This is the kind of lifestyle that they have exhibited in one of the leafy suburbs in South Africa's Legislative capital. This is an exhibition of the lifestyle of those that have built shacks even in the grave yard to live with the interred. Others even own cars but yet they don't fear to live with the dead and come to beg from the living. Zeinah's story is a reality that needs to be checked as she is not the only one but represents millions of South Africans who are homeless or live in shacks and needs urgent attention from the authorities to bring sanity to Africa's second largest economy. The Gaze magazine can exclusively reveal that if this kind of lifestyle is eradicated, gangsters and murderers who emerge from such communities may have no santuary. It is in these areas where criminal activities are harboured under the guise of illegal structures. Poverty reigns in these areas and weakened labour because of drugs and cannot be exploited for the benefit of the country but, rather skilled labour lose their lives from these predators who hide under the facade of begging. Nonetheless, it is the authorities who need to alleviate this kind of lifestyle to bring sanity to hard working citizens all over the country.
