The Dementia Of Serial Rapists

In this article I am going to use different techniques as I try to get into the mind of such abominable personalities who have the mindset of rape and try as much as I can to put measures on how to deal and distance oneself from people of such a calibre. Rape is forcefully having sex with someone against their will through unorthodox means. It can only be perpetrated by a person or a people who are anti - social and who are ungodly, whose minds are seared with a hot iron in terms of biblical terminology. A man or a boy who has self worth knows how to respect and differentiate women and girls according to their status and social standing. Whereas a deranged psychopath cannot distinguish between a relative and a non relative he would rather go after a sister or cousin because of uncontrollable lust that is demonic and aligned to cultism. Cases of Fathers raping their own daughters which are on the rise are a sadistic demonic kind of influence that are aligned to cults and abominable crimes that should not go unpunished but should be dealt with by the full wrath of the law anywhere in the World. The topical story of the release and pardoning of rapists in Zimbabwe was errenous especially to those who did not finish their terms. Rape perpetrators do not deserve forgiveness, whether male or female but should be accommodated in the right prison rehabilitation centers and serve their full terms according to the law before they are intergrated back into society. Of course a case of rape is examined in a court of law to fully establish facts and the defendant has the right to prove themselves innocent but once there is overwhelming evidence that a daughter reports her father for rape it is highly unlikely to be false for such a report to be made. It is abominable in African culture for a father to sleep with their child especially forcing them. Such men who do such practices are normally associates of ritualists who make them believe they will get wealth by doing such things. Women and girl organisation need to step in to help vulnerable victims of such treacherous acts by involving the authorities in such matters. There are also demented boys or men who interfer with children under the age of 16 such people have no decision even if they agree to sexual advancement it is called statutory rape. Statutory rape destroys the background childhood of a person it's an unfair demonic practice that cannot be inacted by a sane boy or man. I have often counselled boys and men who have such a mentality by making them see the litigations attached to sleeping with underage girls. In Zimbabwe stories of less than ten years old girls being impregnated was on the rise, media reports cited a Bindura nine year old girl impregnated by a boy in the late quarter of 2022, it was quite sad to have such a minor having their childhood being destroyed. Inasmuch as rape has highly been aligned to men, women can also be perpetrators as such allegories did take place in Harare, Zimbabwe where a group of women went on rampage drugging men and raping them for ritual purposes.


  1. Thank you, for this information, raping someone it's a sign of being selfish and it proves that something is wrong with you. Moreover you need help before you destroy the future nations, this more like destroying yourself.


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