Zim's Biggest Opposition Party (Triple C) Not Doing Enough For Sikhala's Release


        The incarcerated Job 'wiwa' Sikhala

The continued incarceration of the chairman of Zimbabwe's biggest opposition party Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC), Job Sikhala is actually juxtaposed between the party itself and the Ruling party making it more political than jurisdictional. It is clear that Sikhala who has spend more than 300 days in a gaol based on the allegations of protests over the slain More Blessing Ali has been largely because of the quiteness of his party leaders who have not voiced much. Triple C leader, Mr Nelson Chamisa has not made himself visible enough or has not been vehement enough as expected on the global scene to vouch for his outstanding ally. If it were in South Africa you would certainly hear the outstanding Julius Malema making shock waves in such a case not only in his country but the World would certainly hear of it. Although, Mr Chamisa and his aides have been on social media and other news, it has not been or will not be enough for Sikhala to be released. There have been no calls for a peaceful protest from triple C to vouch for Sikhala neither has their been much other than slamming the ruling party for alleged human rights abuses. In fact Sikhala has been more visible in the theater of Zimbabwean politics than his leader(s). However, notwithstanding the uneven political ground in the political field the ruling party might be more into the politics of divide and rule as elections draw closer. Keeping the outspoken Sikhala in the pernitentiary works to the advantage of the powers that be as Sikhala at some point created drama as he hid in the bush video tapping himself fearing to be captured a thing that should have been done by his astute leader to theaterise the melancholy of Zimbabwean politics. Nonetheless, Sikhala's trial continues hours later from now at the criminal court in Harare as judge Marewanhanzvi Gofa is set to make a ruling.
