Religion: The Truth

 Columnist: Hannock Ngaru

Welcome to the second edition of The Gaze Magazine, the Religion column: which we will continue to flight hoping it will enlighten you, the reader on different aspects about religion that we will expose. Today I will talk about a topic that religious strongholds in Jesus' day found hard to embrace or comprehend which is the Truth and I will juxatapose it with this contemporary era. Jesus said, "I am ...the truth" (John 14.6) this was a simple statement which learned men of his time like the Pharisee and Sadducees found hard to grasp. The Master was saying that he was the answer that they were looking for but these hot headed men did not get it they fought Jesus till they killed him because he just talked the Truth and he was it's personification. The Truth that Jesus was during that time was forgiving sins and freeing people who were under the yoke of deception as examplified in my previous article last week on the healing of the paraplegic, Jesus issued a statement on forgiveness and simply told the man to rise and walk. It was so hard for the religious hard nuts who took it as an insult as they accused Jesus in their hearts of arsuping the Godhead throne yet according to Jesus it was a demonstration of his character of what he represented: the forgiveness and scapegoat for sin. These doctors of the Law who followed Jesus closely not to be saved but to snare him and eliminate him because he was a threat to their facade of hypocrisy. Religion especially Judaism was established for people to be in sync and identified in God and to be called by His name which Jesus claimed according to them that he was. In today's Church different denominations have sprouted due to differences in opinions and assessment of the Truth that Jesus has established. A lot of Pharisees and Sadducees are in the Church and still after the representatives of Jesus, the Truth which is the Pastor. They plot and kill Pastors in different ways much to the astonishment of the ultimate purpose of The Truth.
